· Sep 22, 2016 3m read
Windows write caching

(This article was reviewed in February 2021. It is still relevant to Caché-based installations and similarly applies to IRIS-based installations.)

This article discusses the Windows write caching setting which can leave systems vulnerable to data loss or corruption in the event of power loss or operating system crash. The setting is on by default in some Windows configurations.

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I have a cache client trying to call a web service using SOAP version 1.2. We receive a SOAP error with the following text:

COD>w ##class(DBMS.Tools).DecomposeError(%objlasterror)

ERROR #6248: SOAP response is a SOAP fault: <Fault><Code><Value>s:Sender</Value>

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It has been noticed that some customers running JAVA programs (for example, FOP) on AIX would see the server eventually running low then out of memory. Customer would notice the system pages heavily and user experience becomes bad. And the server would crash when out of memory.

When the problem happens, we can see in ipcs a lot of shared memory segment marked for deletion (Capital D at the beginning of MODE section). This means they will not disappear until the last process attached to the segment detaches it.

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· Oct 27, 2016 2m read
New WRC Customer Interface

New WRC Customer Interface

Come check out the new WRC interface we have made available to supported customer.

Some of the new features available to you are:

Organization Dashboard – gives an overview of your organizations activity for this year

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· Mar 5, 2019
PrimaryKey vs Idkey

Just wondering an Insight in the difference between these two indexes

IdKey / PrimaryKey

Property Identifier As %Integer

Index Index1 on Identifier [Idkey]

Index Index2 on Identifier [PrimaryKey]

What's the difference?

1. If I don't have Index1 and only have Index2, then cache does still make its own id.
So how and why do I ever use the PrimaryKey. In Joins ??

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somehow my installation on win10 canceled during finish. "Installation of Caché finished" showed up for 20 minutes and canceled with an error I didn't saved.

Every file and service was installed but never registered as successfull installation. Now I try to reinstall it but the installer shows me everytime "Another installation is already in progress. Please finish the second installation first".

The unfinished installation is broken. I can't startup Caché from launcher. So I deleted everything in c:/intersystems

Things I already tried:

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InterSystems has identified an issue with product distributions containing Certificate Authority certificates that expire at the end of 2020. This issue does not affect system operation or system security in any way, although it does generate alerts about expiring certificates in the cconsole.log or messages.log files.

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I am currently working on an Upgrade to HealthShare 2019.1.1. As described in the steps once the upgrade was complete to run $system.OBJ.Upgrade(). When I run $system.OBJ.Upgrade() , it is not finding any classes to update. However I am getting an Error 5116 on one of my Productions...

Class dictionary version for '%1' is out of date, please run upgrade utility $system.OBJ.Upgrade()

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· Feb 13, 2020
Class Queries

Class Queries in InterSystems IRIS (and Cache, Ensemble, HealthShare) is a useful tool that separates SQL queries from Object Script code. Basically, it works like this: suppose that you want to use the same SQL query with different arguments in several different places.In this case you can avoid code duplication by declaring the query body as a class query and then calling this query by name.

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· Jul 15, 2016 5m read
Zinsert and friends: Coding in terminal

While Studio and Atelier are useful development interfaces, there are occasionally situations where a quick edit needs to be made to code and only terminal access is available. A useful set of tools to do this are the zload, zprint, zinsert, zremove, and zsave commands. These are abbreviated to zl, zp, zi, zr, and zs respectively. While each of these commands has its own page in documentation, this article will synthesize that information with examples to provide instruction for their combined use.

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Hi, guys,

One of my clients was required by the hospital to name their webservice operation as Action_Subject, ie. Get_PatientInfo

When I define the web method as "Get_PatientInfo" as below,

/// MyApp.MyService
Class MyApp.MyService Extends %SOAP.WebService [ ProcedureBlock ]

/// Name of the WebService.
Parameter SERVICENAME = "MyService";

/// TODO: change this to actual SOAP namespace.
/// SOAP Namespace for the WebService
Parameter NAMESPACE = "";

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· Dec 24, 2019
JDBC connection issue

I am using the below code in my REST service and it throws the error "java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/intersys/jdbc/CacheDataSource] with root cause
java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.intersys.jdbc.CacheDataSource

Surprisingly when i am using the same code in a static main method its running perfectly.


import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.ResultSet;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.sql.Statement;

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0 633

I am validating a v3 document against one xsd and using %XML.SAX.ContentHandler class . My requirment is to find the xpath of the error location. There is no method which does it.

I can find the line and offset using LocatePosition method.

Can someone help me on this.



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Hi, guys,

I'm working on zen report to display an examination report for a client.

They stored order information in several tables. Examination findings and diagnosis were recorded in a html page and codes of the page was stored in another table. We need to put them together in one single report.

So far we can only read the html codes from that table which is a whole page since it start from label <html> and have <header>. We know that if we are using javascript we can display the page by assigning the codes to innerHtml property of an iframe object.

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InterSystems has corrected an issue that can cause InterSystems IRIS® and Caché to not take advantage of large pages for shared memory on Windows, even though these products report that large pages are allocated. This can have detrimental effects on system performance.

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For all docker versions we have direct download links.

Like on our repository or on docker hub :

However, there is no direct link to download the installable (non docker) versions.

I propose you these two scripts to solve this need, the first one is with the wget command, the other one in curl.

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