I am looking for a way to deploy production changes (code and/or production configs) via script or some other systematic way other than the Ensemble/Deploy page in the Management Portal. My goal is to store these configurations in Subversion, then have a piece that can pull the XML from source control and deploy it to a given server. Is there some kind of script that I can run on a given server to perform this deployment? If so, I can tie it up with Subversion using another tool that I have access to.

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I've organized my repository using TortoiseSVN. I was careful to use only svn commands while creating my file structure. Now all Subversion commands are working at the command line but not from within my IDE (Cache Studio). Basically I'm trying to write a plug-in for my IDE to use Subversion from within the Studio. Trying to integrate Subversion into my IDE, something like Subclipse, but for Cache Studio. The error occurred after reorganizing my code into directories. For example at the command-line, svn info and svn status and all other commands work perfectly. All Subversion commands work at the command prompt!

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· Jan 19, 2018
Gitlab hooks for Studio


I am in the process of trying to implement version control software with studio. Has anyone got any recommendations (either Linux based/windows based) as a place to start I have installed Gitlab and I wanted to know whether anyone has come across any obstacles using this.

I was also wondering whether anyone has developed any hooks for Gitlab that works well with Studio as I would prefer if there was a more integrated solution with studio? Any help with this would be great.

Thank you.

Kind Regards,


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When wanting to use VS-Code for server-side editing.. - In VS-code I can right click on a server item (eg a class) to see a set of menu options including 'Server Source Control... ' and 'Server Command Menu...' at the bottom.

I noticed that these options are somewhat connected to my server-side source control hooks class that inherits from %Studio.SourceControl.Base, however, I am seeing different behavior between my custom subclass of this, and, the provided %Atelier.SourceControl subclass.

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I'm starting work with the Atelier.

Starting from the point that Eclipse uses local files on the workstation, COS development can be versioned with market tools (For example GIT or Subversion).

I would like to know how the community has worked with code versioning, to create a consistent versioning model.

I initially have the following doubts:

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· Jul 22, 2016
Conversion to Atelier

If our SVN repository already is storing discrete .cls files, does Atelier do any conversion when we load from SVN into our server instance?

At what point would I see .udl files? I am thinking I would only see that if SVN was storing .xml and each of those would be converted to .udl.

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