I'm using Caché as an OAuth authorization server and I want to accept the password credentials grant type. I've found that if I make an authorize request, the Caché authorization server requires some URL parameters that shouldn't be required in password grant (redirect_uri, state, scope, and response_type). If I include these parameters, it calls my DirectLogin() method instead of just calling ValidateUser() as I would expect from the docs. I have two questions:

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· Jun 15, 2016
Oauth 1.0 library

I am in need of a routine or class method to generate an Oauth 1.0 signature. I was about to code this myself, but thought to check first to see if anyone has already done this and is willing to share.

Thanks in advance for any help.

[UPDATE 06/28/2016]

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· Dec 5, 2017
Client description Oauth2

Hi community ,

i come back to you , i've a problem with Client description in Oauth2, when i tick the Supported grant types and i save , there are not registred on the OAuth2_Client.Metadata table .

can you tell me where is the problem please.

you will find attached a screenshot.


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0 507
· Oct 30, 2017
Oauth 2.0 framework

Hi Team

i want to implement an Oauth 2.0 framework in my application , i define my connexion IHM, i want to check if the login and password are right when a user connect

do you've any idea ?


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I'm trying to implement an OAuth2 server, but I have som issues when trying to setup JWT under OAuth 2.0->Client.

I get the error message saying "No match between server name 'localhost' and SSL certificate values 'cache'". I have set up a SSL/TLS configuration as simple as possible without any certificate files. I'm accessing my server via HTTPS with an unsigned certificate.

Can anyone point me in the right direction on how to resolve the issue I'm encountering.

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we are evaluating IRIS Data Platform as an OAuth2 Authorization Server with the use of the official Docker image. We currently struggle with the OAuth2 setup, as we are required to use https:// for the /oauth2/authorize and /oauth2/token endpoints, but the Docker container exposes only http:// in its default configuration. We have tried to find any hints in the docs but were not successful. Any help is appreciated.


Klaus & Lukas

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Hey Developers,

Enjoy watching the new video on InterSystems Developers YouTube:

Achieving Single Sign-On: External Providers, HealthShare Unified Care Record, Clinical Viewer @ Global Summit 2022

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· Mar 7, 2023 10m read
Reference for the JSON Web Classes


InterSystems IRIS versions 2022.2 and newer feature a redesigned functionality for JSON web tokens (JWTs). Once housed under the %OAuth2 class package, the JWT class, along with other JSON web classes (JWCs), now live under %Net.JSON. This migration occured in order to modularize the JWCs. Before, they were closely intertwined with the implementation for the OAuth 2.0 framework. Now, they can be maintained and used separately from OAuth2.

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In a fast-paced clinical environment, where quick decision-making is crucial, the lack of streamlined document storage and access systems poses several obstacles. While storage solutions for documents exist (e.g, FHIR), accessing and effectively searching for specific patient data within those documents meaningfully can be a significant challenge.

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I have been tinkering with FHIR recently and tried to update the FHIR servers Capability Statement after I made some changes. I updated an OAuth2.Issuer Service Registry entrys URL and needed to update the metadata which the FHIR server sends to the client so they can get the updated URL for the authorization server we use.

However, when I run the Console Setup tool with

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I am trying to configure OAuth2 server to connect to Cerner Auth server to get FHIR API access token but I am getting the error "Discovery response not valid".

I can get the access token back okay from Cerner endpoint used in the OAuth configuration below via Postman and Manually sending the request via HTTP Operation from HealthShare, so the URLs I am using looks correct but the OAuth configuration is not working.

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0 334

Hi Community,

Join us for this introduction to the terminology and workflow of using OAuth 2.0 with an HL7 FHIR server:

Securing FHIR Applications with OAuth 2.0 (Part 1)

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0 303

Hi all,

I'm performing a migration of some services from one instance to another, and I noticed that the technique defined within the InterSystems Server Migration Guide does not include OAuth client configurations. The recommended technique is to use the ##class(Security.System).ExportAll() and ##class(Security.System).ImportAll() methods.

Is there a way to migrate OAuth client configurations, or do those have to be re-created manually?

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0 300

Hi Developers!

Here're the technology bonuses for the Security Contest 2021 that will give you extra points in the voting:

  • Basic Authentication usage - 2
  • Bearer/JWT Authentication usage - 3
  • OAuth 2.0 usage - 5
  • Authorization components usage - 2
  • Auditing usage - 2
  • Data Encryption usage - 2
  • Docker container usage - 2
  • ZPM Package deployment - 2
  • Online Demo - 2
  • Code Quality pass - 1
  • Article on Developer Community - 2
  • Video on YouTube - 3

See the details below.<--break->

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0 288

Hey Developers,

In the second part, you will learn how to build a FHIR Application with OAuth 2.0 and OKTA:

Securing FHIR Applications with OAuth 2.0 (Part 2)

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0 243

I'm trying to save a list of AccessTokens a user for a specific user. This way I could present it together with other user-data.

I have tried calling ##class(OAuth2.Server.AccessToken).OpenByCode(authCode) from %OAuth2.Server.Authenticate's AfterAuthenticate() method. This only returns things like State and AuthorizationCode, but the AccessToken is empty at this point (afterwards it becomes filled out).

Is there a way to achieve storing the AccessToken as part of the login system?

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0 242


I have created a service in Node.js which interacts with IRIS using APIs. The current implementation uses basic auth. I want to implement OAuth 2, to make the communication between the node.js service and IRIS secure. I want my service to act as client and IRIS as Authorization and Resource server. I don't know how to do that. Anyone who has implemented OAuth using IRIS can you help me out or point me in the right direction on about how to implement it?

Thank you for your help :)

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The objective of the article is to provide the reader with the following informations:

  • Configure and use the FHIR server
  • Create an OAuth2 Authorization Server
  • Bind the FHIR server to the OAuth2 Authorization Server for support of SMART on FHIR
  • Use the interoperability capabilities of IRIS for Health to filter FHIR resources
  • Create a custom operation on the FHIR server

Schema of the article:


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