Hi Developers,

Enjoy watching the new video on InterSystems Developers YouTube:

Developing Progressive Web Apps

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Some readers of my previous article, Caché eXTreme for .NET - direct access to globals from C#, wondered if you could access information not just from the same instance in which you’re working, but also from another instance on the same computer, or from an instance located on another computer in the same local network. Some theorized, correctly, that this would be possible using the Enterprise Cache Protocol (ECP). In this article I’m going to show how it can be done.

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BridgeWorks is pleased to announce a VDM, v9.1.0.1. This release includes the following updates:


  • Historical Linking is now based off connection profile name
  • Saved Formatting is now based off connection profile name
  • Tables and Fields column headers no longer hide based on connection type

Bug Fixes

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Recently I came across a very strong statement to the effect that InterSystems.Data.CacheClient.dll library works fast because it does not open a TCP/IP connection, instead it works in the same process as a database. It made me pause for quite some time. Firstly because .Net Managed Provider, which utilises this library, opens TCP/IP connection to the database (and it is stated in the documentation "Using .NET and the ADO.NET Managed Provider with Caché"). And secondly, because as far as I know only eXtreme applications attach themselves to the process.

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Microsoft Office has components for using in third party applications: COM Objects for C++ and Interop Assemblies for .Net programming.

Many Cache projects used to include calls to those libraries. However, recently this solution started being problematic.

There are two main reasons - legal and technical. Let’s check the details.

Microsoft technology support

Microsoft is supporting Office Automation only for desktop computing.

It shall not be used for server computing, as they offer Sharepoint for this scenario. Have a look here:

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We are developing a .NET6 application using Iris database. We would like to use ORM for easier code maintenance.

I saw a doc about Entity Framework: https://docs.intersystems.com/iris20231/csp/docbook/DocBook.UI.Page.cls?KEY=BNET_eframe, but even it's newest Iris version, the Entity Framework is very old .NET Framework (2013) and not supported by Microsoft anymore. Are there any plans to support Entity Framework Core?

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We are updating a C# module which creates consumes an OdbcConnection from System.Data.Odbc. This module used to create a DSN-less connection through the InterSystems Cache driver, and we are updating it to call the IRIS ODBC35 driver following migration of the target database.

The Cache connection was formed formatted as follows:

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Hey Community,

Watch this video to see how to connect to InterSystems Cloud Services from your .NET application using the InterSystems ADO.NET Managed Provider:

Connecting to InterSystems Cloud Services with .NET

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I am using the %Net.HttpRequest class to download a file from the internet .using the following code. When a file is returned in the DOM I am able to read the file content and save it to the desired location but when my response is a download dialog nothing is returned in the HttpResponse. Am I doing something wrong here is where I have gotten to so far any help appreciated.

current code

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I am upgrading our application from dotNet Framework to dotNet Core.

Prior to the upgrade I was able to connect to both my Cache & IRIS instances using the IRIS ADO.NET driver.

However, in dotNet Core, whilst I can connect to IRIS, I get the following error connecting to Cache.

InterSystems IRIS Provider is not compatible with Cache xDBC server

I am using the IRIS driver from the Windows (x86-64) 2022.1 distribution (the one in dev\dotnet\bin\net5.0).

The cache version is Cache for Windows (x86-64) 2018.1.2


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Hey Developers,

See how you can develop a .NET application and connect to InterSystems IRIS® data platform using one or more APIs:

Using NET to Connect to InterSystems IRIS

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· Jun 20, 2022
Visual Studio c#

Hi, I tried the following exercise from the IRIS documentation. I updated the username, password and IP address, but receiving this error;

A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed to respond. --->

I can use the same credentials and IP address to connect ok via VSCode to my local IRIS...

Any pointers much appreciated.

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I have an error connecting the InterSystems cache with the odbc driver with the ODBC-2017.2.2.865.0-lnxrhx64.tar version using the ubuntu versions 20.04 and version 18.04 (which works with the .Net Core 3.1 version) with the Net 6.


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I'm new to cache, come from an oracle and sql server background. In oracle and sql server I could write basically a stored procedure like script and pass it in as text to the command to execute.


Below would be the _sqltext


select id into @Id from something;

if @Id = 9


do something


The _sqltext would work in sql server, what would be the equivalent for cache for it work?

I get a generic error when I try it with cache

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I'm building a .Net Core Gateway container. Here's the issue.

As a final step I'm building a .Net Core 2.1 library. It has a runnable dependency - .Net Gateway, which I need to start first.

However dotnet publish generates .runtimeconfig.json and .deps.json only for my library and not for my dependency (.Net Gateway).

Is there a way to force dotnet to generate .runtimeconfig.json and .deps.json for a dependency?

I have tried:

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When publish my application on the iis server below function not working..

Public Shared Sub Connection()
factory = CreateObject("CacheObject.Factory")
If Not factory.IsConnected() Then
Dim connectstring As String
connectstring = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings.Get("con")
Dim success As Boolean
success = factory.Connect(connectstring)
End If

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we are trying to call a Webservice that is hosted on a Ensemble production from a .net program.

The web application in ensabmle is defined with password authntication

we can't get to set the security header in the .net program (<soapenv:Header> ... <wsse:Security ... <wsse:UsernameToken ... ) in SoapUI we added the Wss usertoken and it worked like a charm.

Doe's anyone have a idea to guide us? (links, ,samples, etc. )



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