· Apr 1, 2024
stdout logging

In The Business Process and the Business Operation, I am using the following code to get the value of TimeCreated and TimeProcessed







But I am trying to use ..%RequestHeader.TimeCreated in Business Service it is not storing any value.

How to get the value of TimeCreated and TimeProcessed in Business Service?

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In response to the infrastructure needs of our company's service, I've created a small API that sends SNMP queries to InterSystems to visualize relevant data for retrieval when the infrastructure implements monitoring.

However, I'm experiencing a timeout issue when attempting to collect information using an SNMP walk. Here is the code for my API's SNMP service:

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I need to develop a tool to help to get what data is being consumed by a certain process, in order to get all data used to build an automated test scenario.

For example, some user process will pull data from ^GLOBAL(1)="dataString", ^GLOBAL(2)="dataString2", ^GLOBAL1(1)="data1String", ^GLOBAL2(4)="data2String4". Amidst all other data on these Globals, I will ignore everything that was not used in the user process, and get the specific keys used on it.

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Hello InterSystems Community Members,

I hope you are all doing well. I am currently facing an issue while trying to set up the SNMP subagent functionality for my InterSystems Cache installation.

I am using InterSystems Cache for Windows (AMD64) version 5.2.4 (Build 809_0_9006U). The SNMP subagent functionality requires the iscsnmp.dll dynamic library, which I have been unable to locate in my installation directory.

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Our team is working on building dashboard for internal reference and monitoring.

We would like to have details like Interface Name, Current Status, Last Messages Processed at, IP & Port, Serve/Instance/Production Environment name etc.

If there is any built-in service which we can utilize or any pre-compiled code that we can utilize to build such dashboard.

At this moment want to keep it basic, but moving forward will enhance with more advance features.

Please suggest, any help will be appreciated.



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In the Windows Ressource Manager I can observe multiple parallel processes coming from cache.exe with read operations to journaling files.

All except one of these processes have the same reads(Byte/s). The processes point to different journal files and constantly read between 200 and 3000 Bytes/s.

The corresponding process via PID in the management portal of Caché shows the process %SYS.Monitor.Control.1. In 3 days of uptime on the server it has run 181.632.583 commands and modified 32.140.642 globals.

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My employer set up a web-based HL7 interface monitor dashboard that will display all Ensemble components (Service/Process/Operation) in a Production, their status, and the support information embedded in each interfaces listing on the Monitor. Please see 3 screenshots.

This is part of the URL that we go to when accessing this Web based Monitor: ......57772/csp/healthshare/monitor/Rush.Monitor.Web.Home.cls

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I'm using the EnumerateJobStatus query of class Ens.Util.Statistics to obtain the LastActivity value of a Business Host.

I would expect that this would return the timestamp of the last message received by the BH, understanding that any connect/disconnect activity would reset that timer. However, the time returned appears to actually be the time at which Ens.MonitorService generated the alert and is not directly related to anything that happened in the BH itself.

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Hello everybody,

In the documentation I read the following:

Alerts are messages generated by production components. InterSystems IRIS automatically writes the alerts to a log file and sends then to the production component named Ens.Alert. If your production does not have a component named Ens.Alert, then InterSystems IRIS writes alerts to the log file but does not send them to any component. The component named Ens.Alert can be of any class. The most frequently used classes for Ens.Alert are:

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I have a problem on enabling SNMP monitoring on Cache.

I installed on HP UX NET SNMP 5.7.2 package from HP Software Center and enabled agentX protocol in snmpd.cfg.

When I enabled full debugging on Cache and NET SNMP I discovered that sent and received packets on both sides are not the same. Some bytes are different. I think the problem is in default charset for TCP/IP connection which is on our system set to CP1250 instead of default RAW. So result is that Cache notifies are not visibile from snmpwalk etc.

Is there a solution for this issue?

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I am currently having the experience activating prometheus for iris db.

This environment that I speak uses IKO as a base.

I need to put 3 notes in the iris service area.

Are they:

annotations: "/monitor/metrics" "52772" "true"

I'm not finding this possibility in the IKO documentation.

Has anyone had this experience and can help us with this challenge?

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Currently we are using an older Healthshare instance but I am not opposed to using IRIS as we will upgrade eventually.

Currently for monitoring productions we have a Montior screen. We have both the Queues page and a Deepsee dashboard which has current status of our services. The issue with the Deepsee method we currently have with traffic lights is 1) the page is a bit slow to load the metrics 2) any new services from the team a new widget needs created and although this is easy enough to do it just is time consuming.

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We are running HealthShare on Linux Redhat via Azure.

A couple of days ago, the Azure server rebooted. Which we were unaware of.

Resulting in the Instance being in a downed status.

In the short term I put together a quick script to check the status, if it is down to restart it.

However, before I go down that road, I thought it would be best to inquire if there is a much better and more streamlined solution?

In a nutshell I just want to check and see if the Instance is up or in a state such as down or hung then start it.

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