Working from home during these Corona-days I'm short on resources. - no Linux machine available - limited disk space So I decided to give Docker in Windows 10 (named Docker Desktop) a try.
I have followed the Article: Continuous Delivery of your InterSystems solution using GitLab, On our own Linux environment it works well but when I try to run it on a clients windows server; and the following command is run by the runner
irissession IRISHEALTH -U TEST "##class(isc.git.GitLab).load()"
We are currently implementing the Data Innovations Instrument Manager product. In setting up our backup process we are wanting to use Veam snapshots. The application runs in a Caché 2016.1/Windows Server 2016 instance. We are running an HA primary/secondary/arbiter config. The statement below is from DI. I am curious to see what others that have implemented the DI Instrument Manager in the same or similar config have in place for backup.
"DI recommends is recommending that we not perform snapshots, but if you do choose to do so, here is some important information to consider.
I've been looking into how to convert some images with IRIS and saw some recommendations on the forums around using image magick.
However I can't seem to get this working using ZF100 and on windows server and I'm wondering if I'm missing something really obvious as I've not used IRIS to call third party applications before.
If I run via a Windows CLI on the server, it works fine, e.g:
I need assistance to delete an instance of HealthShare that I am sure it way out of date. From the VM Server Control Panel when I try to Uninstall, I get the error Message: "Error: Could not detect INSTANCE name!"
Are there commands in SQL that may help uninstall the instance of the application? Other Suggestions?
since our instance of iris is just utilized during working hours, I would like to simply copy all data via FTP from the server to a NAS during the night.
Are there reasons against this approach?
Are there batch examples of how to stop and start the database?
Hello, Thanks in advance for all replies. I have been practicing setting up mirroring between two development servers in preparation for mirroring our production server in a few weeks. I started by setting the servers up with minimum security which worked easily, then I set it up in lock down mode again without any issues. Now I am setting it up in lockdown mode with encryption and this one is testing me. I have everything setup but my async dr member cannot connect to the primary.
Currently we have 2 Windows servers in a clustered environment. Is there a setting in HealthShare for a TCP/IP Operation to use the virtual IP address when initiating the connection, rather than the host IP address?
I have been trying to pull data through a linked server in SSMS from an InterSystems Cache Database for a while, this is to enable us to join the data to other source systems in our Data Warehouse.
I have set up an ODBC connection and a linked server to the database and can execute queries through OPENQUERY in Management studio, but the data is huge (> 100million rows). So when I execute a SQL query with a WHERE clause the query just spins.
I am currently working with someone who is in the process of moving an application written in Cache Object Script over to a Windows server. It was previously running on a Linux server so all of the paths are unix style paths. Is anyone aware of a way to have cache remap paths to different paths so this user won't have to go through all of the scripts and change them?