Hi everyone.

Is there a sensible approach to having a lookup table in Namespace A, and then accessing this from Namespaces B, C, D (etc)?

I'm trying to avoid creating a Global mapping of the lookup table global (^Ens.LookupTable) as I fear that it would then link all other lookups in that global and lead to some unexpected behaviour, but would be open to trying something in this realm if it's the best option.

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In cache studio there are features, dialog boxes, that help map data from a global to class properties.
I have used %CacheSQLStorage quit a bit, or have in the past, to map globals to classes.

I haven't been able to find a similar feature in VisualStudio.
Do I need to upgrade to IRIS to be able to use VisualStudio to map global properties to classes?

Thanks for your time,

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I need to split existing tables from database and put some parts of them into a new namespace. I dont know where to start, other than the installer.cls file. If you can provide clear instructions i would be greatful.



The i need to take TABLES from that DB pull specific data from them and bind it to NEWTEST

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Transaltion for the question:

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I'm trying to setup a REST server with CORS support. I have created a class that handles a specific part of the service (printer control). This class I have referenced in my main REST class by adding <Map Prefix="/print" Forward="myClass.PrintAPI" />

My main class does have its own <Route>s and handles CORS requests perfectly. But in my subclass OnHandleCorsRequest() is only run when requesting from same origin and never run when making a CORS request. I have set Parameter HandleCorsRequest = "true" in both my main REST class and the subclass.

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I like to know if we need to have the message in a file to process a Record Map?

I am working with Interoperability Production that processes files /messages using Record Maps. My team was asked to redesign the solution for deployment in AWS. We use containers. We had problems with having multiple containers processing files from the same directory. We are considering Amazon Simple Queue Service instead of having files on a shared file system.

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When I start a fresh installed IRIS or a Container I always find Interoperabiliy (aka. Ensemble) mapped to namespace USER.

Is there any utility to remove this mapping by a click ?
unmapping it global by global, routine by routine, Package by Package is just a boring exercise.

To be clear: I look for a utility inside IRIS.

The external utility is obvious: Notepad (or any other text editor)
- clean iris,cpf,
- restart IRIS
It's fast, it's efficient, but it's really hardcore.

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0 238

If two globals have same structure, how to reuse one CacheSQLStorage-based class to read both locations?



Let's say we have two globals:




i.e. the structure difference is global name only.

I would like to have two classes TableA and TableB both are inherited from TableAB, and TableAB taking global name as a parameter.

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0 532

In my Data Transformation, the Target class needs to create a new List of objects (ListOfObj), depending on some conditions of Source class (Source/Target are completely distinct/different classes).

I experimented with Lists of 'primitive' data types (ListOfDT), and I could add new %String items (as an example) to a List of %String property, with "append" action in DT.

Does anyone have an example, or guidance, how to create new Lists of Objects in data transformation?

For example, if I have a 'container' class like this, it works:

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Hi, we are a veterinary lab and we use both the LAB and FIN systems of Antrim. Now we are looking to expose the data in a SQL/Object compatible way so we were wondering if same / similar things had been done by other community members already? If so, could you please share your approach / experience / gotchas with us and we are all ears. I can be reached at yang.jiao@antechmail.com . Thank you!

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Sometimes global mapping of the same globals can be defined in different ways. E.g., I need to define it for 3 globals ^qAuditC, ^qAuditLog, ^qAuditLogC from the same database named APP-NOJOURN. Which approach should be better from the performance point of view?

1) qAudit* => APP-NOJOURN (one record in global mapping table)

2) qAuditC => APP-NOJOURN
qAuditLog => APP-NOJOURN
qAuditLogC => APP-NOJOURN (three records in global mapping table)

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· Oct 27, 2017
Recordmap within a BPL

I have a text file that is fixed width delimited and am using a BPL to process this file, ultimately performing a transform from the text file to an HL7 message. I created a DTL, mapping from the recordmap to the HL7. In my BPL, I am performing some loops and other logic (that all is working). My issue is what to do when I perform the Transform.

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Hello Community,

I need advice converting a comma delimited string container with multiple records into some type of recordmap that iterates through all the records.

My string container has several records and I would like to loop through the number of records in the string container and transform each record in the container individually. Number of records will vary but the number of fields per record is static (28 fields). Meaning after every 28 fields, a new record begins. The goal is to convert to individual delimited flat file records.

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For a HL7 production, How will I be able to use two different segment level transformation (sub transform) in the main transform.

For Ex:
Few mappings from source PID --> target ZAX segment (subtransform 1)
Few mappings from source PV1 --> target ZAX segment (subtransfrom 2),

In the main mappings, I have used subtransform 1 followed by subtransform 2. It doesn't seem working fine.

Any suggestions please. Thanks:)

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