I assume IPM manifest tag UnitTest is tightly coupled with the standard unit test framework, right? However we have our own one that predates the standard one and we are not going to switch.

I think I need to import the unit test cases and then be able to run a single class method for the test run. Any ideas how this would be possible?

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It's not supported at the moment but is it possible to implement the Sonatype Nexus (or JFrog Artifactory) support based on the current (or upcoming) IPM version?

In repo command help I see there is a support for filesystem repositories (which I have not yet tried) and my current (hopefully not far-fetched) interpretation is the IPM is designed to be able to support different repositories:

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I'm trying package IPM command but I'm getting the following error:

zpm:IPMTEST1>package -verbose -only -path /home/irisowner/ osex-ipm-hello

[IPMTEST1|osex-ipm-hello]       Package START
Exporting 'OSEX.ipm.hello.Hello.cls' to '/home/irisowner/src/OSEX/ipm/hello/Hello.cls'
Exported to /home/irisowner/module.xml
Module exported to:

[osex-ipm-hello]        Package FAILURE
ERROR! ObjectScript error: <VALUE OUT OF RANGE>zConstructTar+19^%ZPM.Utils.FileBinaryTar.1

What's wrong here?

I can see all the correct module files created:

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I'm working on my first (!) IPM module and I'm a little puzzled with the registry authorization.

I have a working local registry (I hope!) and the module is loaded (with load-command) to the namespace.

Now publish-command fails because of missing authorization. I have set nothing authorization related myself and I'm lost how the authorization should be configured. All the material I have read so far seems to ignore that and only mentions one have to authenticate ...

Here's the command output:

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I'm working with isc.rest and am going through the tutorial right now. My project directory exists on my IRIS server. When I try to create a module.xml file in the root package, I get a #16006 error. I see that there is a "generate" command for zpm that should create a module.xml for me on my local filesystem. How can I create this module.xml in the same folder that holds my code living on the IRIS server?

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Hi colleages!

This is very easy to setup a FHIR server in InterSystems IRIS for Health.

It could be even one IPM command with this package:

USER>zpm "install fhir-server"

But which FHIR portal could you recommend to use?

I used to work with this one, which is very easy to install too:

USER>zpm "install fhir-portal"

but it doesn't work at the moment and I'm not sure if its main contributors @José Pereira and @Henrique Dias plan to support it.

What do you use? What do you recommend? Ideally installable with IPM package manager. Thanks!

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Am just plain curious about how people may be approaching this area.

The Question

The %SYSTEM.License API wraps an IRIS key that is specific to a range of InterSystems products with

  • Platform features
  • Platform behaviors
  • Expiry date
  • Capacity / Usage limits

If a company is implementing deployed products that:

  • run on top of IRIS
  • optionally support other vendor IRIS products

For example:

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I am getting the following error , and not sure how to get passed this.

We have removed storage on the classes , did a clean compile and still we get the error below on some of the classes

ERROR! Storage on class [ MyClass] modified by storage compiler, developer should have run ^build to make sure all storage is updated correctly and saved to Perforce

Any Idea how to resolve this or what to look for ?


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I'm just starting off with ZPM and noticed that examples of library-type packages and full applications abound, but I have not unearthed any that demonstrate packaging an interop production. It doesn't seem like it would be too big of a jump from a full application to an interop production, but that is likely ignorance speaking.

So, does anybody know if this is possible/advisable -- or if I am just way off on the intent of ZPM?


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· May 13, 2020
How could we install zpm?


We have read the installation guide to get started with zpm package manager:


We wonder what means the second step:

"Import the zpm.xml into IRIS and compile via any desired way (Management Portal, Studio or Terminal)"

We have thought that it means to place the zpm-0.2.2.xml file inside "C:\InterSystems\HealthShare_2\opt\contenedor"

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