The IRIS Health Docker image comes with Java 1.8 but I need OpenJDK 11. How could I install that using aptitude or somehow else?
The apt-get command requires elevation but if I rewrite the command with sudo apt-get it won't build with error message /bin/sh: sudo: not found
Is it possible to do what I want?

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Hi I am getting this message for some databases but not for others: This database is mounted as read-only due to 'Failed to access iris.lck file'! and not for others on Google Cloud community non-health edition.

For example this default database displays the message: Name IRISLIB Directory /usr/irissys/mgr/irislib/

But this default database does not: Name IRISSYS Directory /ISC/dur/mgr/

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We have a stored procedure with one input parameter and one input/output parameter.

declare @hl7message nvarchar(max) = 'Pass the hl7 message here',
@output nvarchar(max);

EXEC sp_InsertHl7 @hl7message, @outputresult = @output OUTPUT;
print @output;

@output value will be "Pass" or "Fail"

Below code is inserting the HL7 successfully into the target DB, but not returning the output value as expected.

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I am wondering if anyone can help me with an issue we are facing. We are trying to add a parent-child relationship between 2 tables in the database that already contain data. We are able to add the new relationship property to the required data classes, and set the desired cardinality. We have also included code that will add the relationship using the Insert() method to new data that comes in.

The problem we have is how do we add the relationship to data that already exists in the database?

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Curious if anyone has modified the HL7 TCP/IP Service and adapter class to receive an HL7 message, ACK it, and just dump it straight to a file? I don't want the messages in the engine at all - just receive and dump. Has anyone done this before and have code you're willing to share?

Thank you very much in advance!

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I need to set the label of a custom setting in the portal instead of the name of the associated property, eg.:

Class SomeClass Extends (Ens.BusinessService, %ZEN.Portal.ContextSearch)


Property ABadPropertyNameToChange As %Boolean;

Parameter SETTINGS = "ABadPropertyNameToChange:CustomSettingsSection"

will result in this in the portal



[ ]

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Hi i have rules and i want to log them to analyse what rules executed , I want to add in the log Msg Controller Id, MRN, Value coming in the message, and my customize text telling whats wrong with this field... i have like 50 rules and at the end i can check the log table and found like 20 entries so it means 20 data issues are there for a given message control id. any advice how to to do it

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Hi all,

I am looking for a way to serialize fhir content received via interoperability adapter into it´s corresponding ISC model class (e.g. HS.FHIR.DTL.vR4.Model.Resource.DiagnosticReport) for later use. In my opinion the outline to accomplish this would be something like

1) Receive the FHIR data
2) Get quick stream containing the JSON data
3) Examine if bundle or single ressource
4) For resource serialize to coressponding model class (HS.FHIR.DTL.vR4.Model.Resource.*)
5) further use of newly created object of type HS.FHIR.DTL.vR4.Model.Resource.*

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A vendor is sending an HL7 message where they are hitting the enter key within the field. I am looking for a way to concatenate the lines. I want to know if there id a way to search the field for a carriage return and piece together the field. This is an example of what they are sending:

NTE|1||Fake Interpretation A Overall Summary. Patient presents with abnormal SR and RHR. 
Fake Interpretation B 80/120
Fake Interpretation C  - HR 55 BPM|
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· Nov 11, 2020
Create Database using Python
I am trying to create a database using python. The example shows setting a Name string and a Properties object containing Directory=.

; Use class methods to create an instance
 %SYS>s Name="ABC"
 %SYS>s Properties("Directory")="c:\abc\"
 %SYS>s Status=##Class(Config.Databases).Create(Name,.Properties)
 %SYS>i '$$$ISOK(Status) w !,"Error="_$SYSTEM.Status.GetErrorText(Status)

How do I update and pass the Directory property using Python?

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