Hi guys,

How to find out the number of active connections (including SQL, http, tcp and all remote connections) of an IRIS instance? A core based license is used.

I've checked the document and find %SYS.ProcessQuery.

I'm currently using this sql:

select count(distinct Pid) From %SYS.ProcessQuery
where ClientIPAddress is not null
and ClientIPAddress <> ''
and ClientIPAddress <> 'localhost'
and IsGhost = '0'

Is it accurate or do we have a better option?

Thanks in advance.

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After some trials, I am comfortably on my way developing spec first REST APIs using /api/mgmt/, OpenAPI 2.0, testing with Postman.

My question is related to scaling up.

Assume these things:

- Our software is CSP web app and it's web application is '/csp/application'

- I created a new REST enabled web app called '/csp/application/v1' and for my first API I created a spec that defines an endpoint /getTeapots so the endpoint is localhost/csp/application/v1/getTeapots

- Using the /api/mgmt/ endpoint, I loaded the spec into API.TeapotLibrary

0 6
0 405

Hi all.

I'm currently looking at a use case where I need to take a Stream, and then encode the contents as a Base64 Stream. This is currently achieved with a snippet of code that has previously been placed in multiple classes within this particular environment, and relied on the dotnet gateway (which suffers with a bug in 2022.1, corrected 2022.1.1).

0 4
0 919

How to import Custom Schemas from VSCode? They look like this:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<Category name="ITK" description="xmlns:hl7='urn:hl7-org:v2xml' xmlns:xsi='http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance'" std="1">
<MessageType name='ACK' structure='ACK' returntype='ACK' description='xsi:schemaLocation="urn:hl7-org:v2xml ACK.xsd"'/>

Instead of wrapped XML export produced by $system.OBJ:

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I want to add a couple of properties to a custom Transform class to give the user the ability to edit its properties directly in the Business Process visual editor. It can be easily done with other Production components, but I can't find in the documentation how to do the same with my Transform. Is it possible?

And another question is about how to use the 'aux' parameter of the DataTransform.Transform method if my component is non-visual?

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0 184


I don't found how to get params send by a GET REST query (not in url but by request param).

this is config of the call in postman

I try to get %request.Data, doesn't work : Data is undefined

I try to get %request.GetCgiEnv("Data"), doesn't work, return ""

I do ZW %request and see that my parameter is present in cgi parameters, but I don't now how to access it.

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2 367

Hi Community,

Can I please check what the size limit for the parameter in $SYSTEM.Encryption.Base64Decode() method ?

I have a 12 page base64 encoded PDF document, which is failing when decoded. I am getting the error below:

ERROR <Ens>ErrException: <ILLEGAL VALUE>zXSDToLogical+1^%Library.Binary.1 -- logged as '-' number - @''

OBX:5 size=4233781

I tried the below from terminal, but it is not able copy the whole string for the parameter so couldn't execute it.

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0 259


I have a problem with a FHIR Interop scenario that the HTTP Header Value content-type between IRIS and client changes in case of an error (HTTP 422). If I set the status in the response to 200 OK as the last step in the service class, the return transmission works.

Within my operation class, the error code is taken from the source system and entered in the HS.FHIRServer.Interop.Response message.

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I have a production with a BS calling a BP calling another BP and so on and finally a BO. All calls are made using SendRequestSync.

The initial request is passed by value. The response is passed by ref and I allocate memory for it in the BO, hoping that it will go back to the initial caller in the BS, but it does not.

It looks like the following:

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How do I run a CSP page from within VS Code.

Secondly I have installed an extension called "Live Server" which will run .html pages within VS Code. Have any of you made use of this extension and if so can you specify that .csp pages are html pages?

If I press F5 in VS Code (just as you would in Cache Studio) in order to view a csp page when I press F5 in vs code it tries to open


without the csp page name

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2 893

I am looking to create a routing rule that will do the following:

When transaction is not an A03, and discharge date is valued, do not transform.

What I am having trouble with is with the conditional for the discharge date {PV1:45}. Not sure if I can use length here or if I can use HL7.{PV1:45}>0. I did try that, but its not working. Not sure what I am doing wrong.



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0 211

Hi all,

I'm looking for a user-friendly way to make a method library available in DTL, and by user-friendly I mean via '..MyMethod()' or '$$$MyMacro()' rather than '##class(MyPackage.MyClassName).MyMethod()'.

Does anybody know of a way to add a second superclass or a set of macros to a DTL ... or some other trick?



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I am new to this forum. So please let me know if this is not the place to post these questions.

I have heard from some previous Intersystems presentations that FHIR profile validation before posting to FHIR server (using $validate) would be available in IRIS for Health. How do I confirm if this functionality is available and if so, on which version of IRIS?


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