I have iKnow domain of forum posts, their full text is an iKnow data, and each post also has a number of views as a metadata field.

I want to get a sum of views by concept. Let's say I have a concept called "TESTEST" and there are 10 sources that have this concept. Each source has some views. I want to get views total - impact of this concept so to say.

What's the best iKnow architecture for this use case?

So far I got this:

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0 312

I am trying to create an iKnow domain programmatically like:

    Set dom = ##class(%iKnow.Domain).%New("TestDom")
    Do  dom.SetParameter("DefaultConfig", "MyConfiguration")
    Set sc = dom.%Save()


Although "MyConfiguration" sets the language to "ja", i.e. Japanese, it doesn't seem to be respected, and what I see on the top right pane in Knowledge Portal is related concepts, instead of proximity profiles, which I expect to see in Japanese language mode.

Also resulting segmentation of sentences looks to be it is in English mode.

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