The 2023.1 Clinical Viewer appears to have data dependencies that need to be met in order for data to surface from the SDA to the chart. Examples:

1. Lab results need to have a collection date or they will not display.

2. Observations need to have their UoM and codes in the portal txt files in order to display.

Are all of these requirements documented?

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0 201
· Feb 9, 2022
Change UI Locale Code

What is the best way to add an en-uk.json or an en-za.json file to the custum folder, since the default is en-us.json?


Where can I get the json files for UK and Za ?

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0 200
· Aug 29, 2019
Create multiple dependent Tasks

Is it possible to create a task that will initiate a Business Service that is dependent on the completion of a separate EDI data process?

I have a complex data flow with multiple EDI processes where one process must run and produce one or more files that get deposited in the source folder for the next EDI process. The entire process is currently set up where 2 of the EDI processes execute at a specific time. The problem with that is when a network or server interruption occurs at the time they are supposed to start, it causes a complete failure of the entire process.

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0 198

Hi All,

I'm currently trying to modify the provider portal using Trak to add a new column. Using the column editor to get the column to display on the page is relatively simple, but where I'm running into problems is modifying what will display in the column.

Essentially, it just needs to run a simple "if value in column A is in this list, display x, else display y" which is easy enough to write in ObjectScript, but the ISC documentation is relatively sparse about how to get a specific column to run that bit of code to display what I need it to.

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0 198

Hello Community,

I am still pretty new to Ensemble, Cashé, or ObjectScript. My question is this how can I tell when a file was finished and read fully? Currently, I have an EnsLib.FilePassthroughService reads a file from a designated file path and moves it to an archive file path. I need to set up an alert or a notification that can tell me once the file has been read in its entirety and has been moved out of its current file path.

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0 198

Good morning:

Thank you very much for reading the doubt and above all thank you very much for answering.

Given the following use case:

If we have a Destination Service that through a HTTP GET by REST gives us a certain JSON response, where it should be noted that it is a list of objects where each object in the list does NOT have a key:

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0 197

I currently have a batch job that performs many functions. Two of them are below. I was wondering how this can be done in a custom class

#Gzip files
find $TEMPDIR -type f ! -iname '*gz' -exec gzip '{}' \;

Thank you

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0 195

I'm looking for any codes that match my parameter that we have received since 1/01/2020 based on the FromTime, EnteredOn or Status (if both are empty).

(Problem[Problem/Code='%1' and FromTime>"2020-01-01"]) | (Problem[Problem/Code='%1' and (count(FromTime)=0 or FromTime="") and EnteredOn>"2020-01-01"])
| (Problem[Problem/Code='%1' and (count(FromTime)=0 or FromTime="") and (count(EnteredOn)=0 or EnteredOn="") and Status/Description="Active"])

This works like a charm with standard XPATH query tools but HS does not like it.

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1 195

Hi Community,

Please give me an example on how to configure email alerting based on the rules and send out emails accrordingly.

As a message comes into the business service component I want to check specific fields and if a field for example active = true i want to send it to a different email and if active = false I want to send it to a different email as well.

Guide me on how to accomplish this requirement and let me know if InterSystems uses a default SMTP server or I must have that server in place.


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0 195

In over a decade of using Ensemble/HealthShare, we have been able to use a single message type (doc type) for all HL7 ADT event types. We now have an application for which the HL7 segment sequence is different for A03s than it is for other ADT event types. The content of the segments is the same across event types; only the segment sequence differs. The data transformation has to do some custom logic, so we can't just use the "copy" variety of the transformation Create property.

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0 194


I have a question regarding SQL insert/update from the mananger portal's SQL window.

I am trying to do an insert with a value that contains multiple spaces ($32) between two words. This is needed for a comparative reason. But the spaces are automatically trimmed away all the time. How should I write to keep these?


Insert into TableA
(MyColumn) Values('xxxx yyyy')

then the spaces are trimmed away and it becomes: 'xxxx yyyy'

But I want to keep the spaces. How do I get around the problem?


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0 192

Im exporting our xml project from a QA server that has NOT upgraded to a production server that has been upgraded to HealthShare.

We are importing the exported xml over to this production server that is on HealthShare.

Now I havent been able to find the document link today, but I remember reading HealthShare puts all of the imports under a csp/healthshare/ directory.

We are able to view our .csp pages after importing them as xml into Studio on the production server running on HealthShare

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0 191

Hello everyone

I am new to cache. In an interview i was asked how to optimize a sql query.

I just said I will create index on conditions which are present in where clause. But as per interviewer I should check How query plan is getting executed. This will help in optimizing Sql queries.

I want to know what will be the answer for how to optimize SQL query in cache.

Thanks in advance!!

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0 190

I've poked through the class documentation and globals and I can't seem to find what I'm looking for, namely a mechanism that will give me the PropName key and value for each of the Items in an EnsLib.HL7.SearchTable definition. Is there some sort of query that will turn the list of Items in the XData SearchSpec section into a key/value pair of some sort?

For example:

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0 190


I want to realize configuration export and deployment through code, such as the export of Protol pages and production deployment. What should I do duction deployment. What should I do

The following is a picture of export and deployment

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0 189

Hello Everyone

I am new to cache. I know there are 2 types of methods in cache. One is Instance method (Which can be call through object creation of particular class) and other is Class methods (which can be call through ##Class(MyPackage.Car).CarModels()).

I want to know the difference when to create a instance method vs when to create a class methods.

Thanks in advance!!.

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0 188

In article

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "c:\Users\rochesterd\PythonScripts\fhir_stuff\fhir-client-python-main\fhir-client-python-main\src\", line 57, in <module>
patient0 = Patient.parse_obj(
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'serialize'

0 8
0 188

Can someone confirm that HealthShare Health Connect 2022.2 is the correct latest release that is available via the Online Distribution? I tried looking at the HealthShare Health Connect on WRC and now do not see a 2022.2 or 2022.3 version. Is this correct? So I shouldn't be running 2022.2? Did Health Connect get renamed? A couple of months ago I downloaded HealthConnect-2022.2.0.368.0-lnxrh8x64 but not seeing it now on the WRC site.

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0 186


I'm currently trying to setup a SFTP Ensemble production to handle all of my SFTP transactions. It's been going well, but I'm currently running into an issue where it is saying it is unable to exchange encryption keys. Error Below:

Unable to exchange encryption keys [80101005] at Session.cpp:238,0' matched ReplyCodeAction 1 : 'E=R' resulting in Action code R

Any advice on getting around this would be appreciated.

0 3
0 186

Hello community,

is there anything special to consider when running a foundation production regarding purge jobs (Ens.Util.Tasks.Purge)? I am thinking specifically of the QuickStreams, which according to my information are stored in a temporary database until the system is restarted. Since a system reboot is much less frequent then the purges, I wonder what happens to the QuickStreams whose messages and headers have already been purged. Is there a way to view Quickstreams (not content, but rather metadata) e.g. via the Management Portal?

Thanks for your comments and hints,

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0 185
· Mar 22, 2022
Time handling and Json

I am having trouble formatting %Time to a JSON format. I have tried configuring the parameter "FORMAT" of my property but that didn't work. For some reason, it keeps putting a Z and the end of the time.


Property TimeCollected As %Time(FORMAT = "2");

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0 184

Hello everyone,

Is there a way to prettify the JSON streams in the incoming HTTP messages so that they are more readable in Visual Trace?

The HTTP messages sent by many software aren't prettified and are displayed like this in the Visual Trace:

On the other hand, other software like Postman prettify the messages and they are displayed in this way:

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