We have a case where we have 1 message coming in, but then sending two messages out to the same location. Even with FIFO sometimes the messages get out of sequence depending on what is need to be done to the message in the DTL before send. Is it possible to call sleep or Halt or write some kind of a function to put a pause in a routing rule between two sends?

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0 588

I've created a scheduled task that dumps HL7 messages to flat files. It uses the OutputToLibraryStream() method of EnsLib.HL7.Message. I'd like to be able to run it on a mirror member host whether it's primary or backup.

When run against a database that's mounted read-only, it works fine. However, when I attempt to run it against a mirror backup database, I get the following error:

#5002: Cache error: <PROTECT>%LoadData+7^EnsLib.HL7.Message.1

Tracing that back to the source, I find:

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0 370
· Sep 17, 2019
DATEPART local date


I'm trying to run a query from Management Portal, to get a count of messages in 10 minute periods for analysis. I'm using DATEPART to pull the hour and minute portions, but the value being returned is the UTC value, rather than the actual value.


TimeCreated = '2019-09-10 23:01:45'

DATEPART(hh, TimeCreated) is returning 22 rather than 23.

How do i force DATEPART to return the correct display value?

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0 231
· Aug 29, 2019
Create multiple dependent Tasks

Is it possible to create a task that will initiate a Business Service that is dependent on the completion of a separate EDI data process?

I have a complex data flow with multiple EDI processes where one process must run and produce one or more files that get deposited in the source folder for the next EDI process. The entire process is currently set up where 2 of the EDI processes execute at a specific time. The problem with that is when a network or server interruption occurs at the time they are supposed to start, it causes a complete failure of the entire process.

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· Sep 12, 2019
Clean up code after compile

After upgrading I ran a $SYSTEM.OBJ.CompileAllNamespaces("u"). What I got in return was kind of a shock.

In reviewing errors I am seeing code being referenced but no longer applies. It is referring to stuff that might of been defined in the Context , Formal Spec ,Thread , etc.

ERROR #5373: Class 'osuwmc.CPD.DataStructures.TblPharmacyDEA', used by 'osuwmc.CPD.BusinessOperation:SelectProviderTempDEA:FormalSpec', does not exist

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1 429

IRIS offers Durable %SYS Directory as a highly useful feature for working with containers.

Before inventing the wheel once more I'd like to know if a similar feature also exists for Caché / Ensemble.
Official documentation is quite silent about.
Though I have some names in mind that might know more about ( @Luca Ravazzolo ? @Dmitry Maslennikov ? @Eduard Lebedyuk ? )

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· Aug 25, 2019
Automation with Ansible

Trying to modernize tasks I have to do on cache like change global variables on different servers, different namespaces....

Actually, I have a bash script doing ssh on each server and running bash script on each server like this

echo "zn \"namespace\"
s ^Var=1
"|csession ensapp

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1 669

Hi all,

I am trying to create a method to count the number of entries in a global, including all subscripts. I am having a bit of trouble getting the code to make it to the second subscript. When I get to the position where my key is "Canada" and I add a comma and empty quotes to it, it returns USA as the new key when I do the order function. Is the $Order or the global not able to use a single string to represent multiple subscripts?

Here is my global structure:

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0 609

Currently we are using Health Share 2015.2.2, and looking to upgrade to the latest version in the next month.

From what I understand we have to upgrade to 2017 or 2018 prior to going to 2019.1 since 2019.1 is on the IRIS platform.

In trying to outline my steps in the upgrade process I came up with a question.

  • Can a Full System Backup from 2015.2.2 be restored into 2019.1?
  • Do I have to restore the 2015.2.2 back up into 2017 or 2018, then do the 2019.1 conversion?

Has anyone had experience with this? or should I open a ticket with WRC?

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0 434

Hi, I have used CSP to exec SQL selects from any own NAMESPACE. But in our servers we have many SQL GATEWAY CONNECTIONS.

I'd like to create a CSP page that could use these gateway to exec SQL using these gateway connections, only Administrators will use that page to launch many select at many dsn. I'm not sure if we must deploy that CSP on %SYS namespace and how to use DSN(SQL Gateway connections) that are defined on server.

Anoyone has made that?

For example:



CSP Webpage:

TEXTBOX: Introduce your select:

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0 270

Hello everyone,

We have a process that is listening to an FTP service to collect some CSV files and process them. The process works correctly and when it ends it clears the directory waiting for it to enter some other file.

We have been receiving the following error message for a long time:

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0 831

Hi, Is there a way to count the number of segments in a HL7 Mesage? I tried the examples from the other answers but nothing works for me.

I am writing a function to get the last OBX segment field value 5. Below is a sample screenshot of what I want.

The number of obx segments can change, so I want to count the last obx segment and then get the field 5 value.

Would appreciate some guidance on this.

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0 2.6K
· Aug 13, 2019
Dashboard - Line Graph


I want to create a dashboard with a line graph that shows system availability over time. I used this code to create a Dashboard:

            Set tItem = ##class(%DeepSee.UserLibrary.Link).%New()
                Set tItem.fullName = "Availability"
                Set tPage = "Availability.UI.CSVImport.zen"
                Set tItem.href = $system.CSP.GetPortalApp($namespace,tPage)_tPage
                Set tItem.title = "Availability"
                Set tSC = tItem.%Save()
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0 289
· Aug 20, 2019
Adding a header line to a file

I have set up a process to produce a daily file to be submitted to another system and this is working (using EnsLib.RecordMap.Operation.FileOperation). However, the file needs to have a header line added each time it is created so it can be processed by the down stream system. Looking though EnsLib.RecordMap.Operation.FileOperation and EnsLib.File.OutboundAdapter, I can't see where I can do this easily. Any suggestions?


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0 349
· Aug 19, 2019
Filter by time in Routing Rule

I have a colleague that is trying to eliminate any HL7 transactions that have admit date/time of midnight from going to an downstream system within a routing rule. I have tried several different iterations of code trying to figure this out just in the routing editor. Without having to write an object script function is this possible?

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0 351

Hello All.

In need of some help.

We are currently migrating Interfaces from JCAPS to HealthConnect 19.1 and have done a lot of work on our Dev server. I am looking to copy/export this work over to the Test server and have managed to export the production and Rules, HL7 custom Schemas etc. The only thing left now are the Data Transformations but so far I can only find ways of copying the transformations over individually. Is there some way to copy all of the transformations we have produced in our namespace to another server in one go?


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