
I am using the &sql () tag to retrieve the value from the Cache DB.

below is the piece of code i am using:

script language="cache" method="retrieveDetail" arguments="pVariable" returntype="%String"
&sql( select columnA,
into :tempVariable1
from TABLE
where COLUMNC = pVariable

quit tempVariable1

i have to return the ColumnA value back to the calling procedure.

can i know how it can be done ? since i am getting an javascript error.

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0 373


I am trying to import a WSDL using the wizard and it outputs:

ERROR #6413: Element 'wsdl:binding:operation:msg': corresponding to message null : http://services.sanidad....

I have tried to find more information:

It is close to this case, however it is not the same error number:

0 1
0 372
· Jul 13, 2021
Method return List of type

Good afternoon I am making a method of a class that I want to return a list of objects of another class that I have defined, example:

ClassMethod myMethod() As list of MyPackage.MyClass

But it gives me a syntax error, I try this and it works:

ClassMethod myMethod() As %ListOfObjects

But I would like to keep the typing.

Is there a way?

0 5
0 372

InterSystems has corrected several critical defects that can result in data integrity issues. These defects were identified and corrected within a short time, so InterSystems has simplified the upgrade process by consolidating them into a single package. The effects of encountering these defects may not always be visible.

0 1
2 372

Credentials for a Productions are stored as plain text in ^Ens.SecondaryData.Password and exposed as plain text via SQL table Ens_Config.Credentials which is not ideal as only admins should know the credentials.

I can create my own adapter etc... to store and use encrypted passwords but does anyone know if there is a standard way to do this in a Production?

Alternatively, am I missing how to secure this so the production can run and someone can monitor and operate a production without access to the SQL table or global?

0 2
1 371


First of all thanks for your time to read and reply,

We would need some help,

We have an ORM_O01 which has a NTE.3 with a Line Feed

Our Process converts the XML to ER7 using the ITB as follows:

set context.mensajeHL7 = ##class(ITB.HL7.Util.Convert).XMLToER7(hl7,.tSC,"2.5")

When we show the ER7 we observe:

INTE|1||Psa libre\X0A\ Indice psa

We have thought about the following solution, where mensajeXML is the XML representation of the ER7 shown:

0 1
0 371
· Sep 9, 2016
Stream Property

Hi ,

  We upgraded the cache 5.02 to cache 16.
  we are using stream property in one class .(i.e.  Property notes As Stream;) but it not support in cache 16.
 how handle this problem?


0 4
0 371
· Jul 13, 2016
Overriding soap body

We can override soap body by using WriteSOAPBodyMethod. Something like:

Method Online(ByRef Obj1 As myClass1, Obj2 As myClass2, Output ObjOutput1 As myClass1Output(XMLNAME="Obj")) [ ..., WebMethod ]


s ..WriteSOAPBodyMethod="override"

d (..WebMethod("Online","ProcessRequest")).Invoke($this,"Online",.Obj1,.Obj2,. ObjOutput1)

s ..WriteSOAPBodyMethod=""


Method override(proxy As %SOAP.ProxyDescriptor, tag As %String)



0 1
0 371

Is there an ObjectScript analog of Find with Match Element Type option? I know there is an ObjectScript analog of Find in Files, Studio.Project.FindInFiles and Studio.Project.FindInProject, but I failed to locate so far an analog of Edit/Find. I am specifically interested in Match Element Type option so I could search across selected files for globals. Somehow Studio.Project.FindInFiles does not offer this option natively.

0 3
0 370

I used the Activate wizard to create a package for Excel (Activate.Excel). There is a class in there that seems to be what we need to open a file:


There is a method that has an Open() command. I tried using it but getting an invalid pointer error.

The parameters are as follows:

0 10
0 370

I have a query that I would like to have refreshing at certain intervals lets say every 30 seconds with out refreshing the page content using the META TAGS

refreshes the whole page but I have a jquery function that will run at those intervals that I can use the problem is getting the jquery to call my COS function or is the way to do it with pure COS

0 2
0 370

I've been looking at the idea of developing a Time Travel Debugger utility.

It would take a debug target and have a few options such as stack depth and disclude system code.

The debugger would either be started from an external tool, or triggered from a line of code inserted into a method that I want to record.

The debugger would execute the code from start to end and record the full stack on each step to the configured depth.

0 4
0 370

Can you create ad-hoc Caché relationship objects that are not part of the original Caché class definition? One of the drawbacks with relationships is that that the more relationships you have defined, the more difficult it can be manage. I was wondering rather than having all your relationships defined in the Caché class, could you programmatically create relationships between classes as and when they are required?

0 3
0 370
· Nov 14, 2022
Image Download from URL


I'm currently struggeling with a HTTP request to a URL, which contains an jpeg image file.

Testing the request with a browser or Postman results in the image being shown normally.

Using a %Net.HttpRequest with different configurations has resulted in a corrupted file.

My code works for some URLs from other servers perfectly fine, but with some it produces corrupted file contents which do not represent a jpeg.

0 5
0 369
· Feb 9, 2022
Learn Cache online

Hello community,

It's been quite some time since I came on this platform.

I have been down with the global pandemic and is currently recovering. Thank you all for your valuable prayers.

I am in the streak to learn something new and want to learn CACHE development.

Is there a possible site or Link that I can follow please.

From BASIC to ADVANCE is my requirement.

Help me out on this community.

God Bless and stay safe.

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