Hello and welcome to the September 2023 Developer Community Newsletter.
General Stats
161 new posts published in September:
35 new articles
40 new announcements
78 new questions
8 new discussions
217 new members joined in September
12,075 posts published all time
10,343 members joined all time
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0 112
Hello and welcome to the October 2023 Developer Community Newsletter.
General Stats
154 new posts published in October:
25 new articles
39 new announcements
85 new questions
5 new discussions
234 new members joined in October
12,229 posts published all time
10,555 members joined all time
1 0
0 157

InterSystems is committed to providing a high quality developer experience including a great IDE (Integrated Developer Experience). For the past several years we have been evolving Visual Studio Code's ObjectScript tooling in parallel with our long-standing IDE, InterSystems Studio. There have been over 46,000 downloads of the VSCode-ObjectScript plugin, and the feedback from developers is that this is a great developer experience, and now superior to InterSystems Studio.

17 67
2 2.6K
· Jul 28, 2023
Code Golf: Parenthesis

Our previous code golf ended with an overwhelming win, so now it's time for another one.
Parenthesis Hell is a Lisp-like esoteric programming language(esolang).
As a Lisp-like language, the code consists only of nested matched pairs of opened and closed parenthesis.
Your task is to write a method that receives a string of parenthesis and returns 1 if the order of the parenthesis is valid. For example, the string of parenthesis (())() is valid because it contains a matched pair of opened and closed parenthesis at each position. The string ()((()))) is not valid because it contains one unmatched parenthesis.

5 37
0 613

We are retiring a hosted application for an electronic health care records (EHR) system which stored the data on Cache for UNIX (Red Hat Enterprise Linux for x86-64) 2017.2.2 (Build 867_4_20245) Thu Oct 8 2020 16:58:40 EDT. The hosting company is providing me with a single CBK file. I need to install a database system to restore the database and provide occasional SQL access for reports when necessary. I'll need to maintain access to the data for an approximately 10 year retention period. Not sure how to approach restoring this old of a database and eventually upgrading it to a newer re

0 36
1 729

Hi folks!

Those who actively use unittests with ObjectScript know that they are methods of instance but not classmethods.

Sometimes this is not very convenient. What I do now if I face that some test method fails I COPY(!) this method somewhere else as classmethod and run/debug it.

Is there a handy way to call the particular unittest method in terminal? And what is more important, a handy way to debug the test method?

Why do we have unittest methods as instance methods?

1 25
0 430

With the release of InterSystems IRIS Cloud SQL, we're getting more frequent questions about how to establish secure connections over JDBC and other driver technologies. While we have nice summary and detailed documentation on the driver technologies themselves, our documentation does not go as far to describe individual client tools, such as our personal favourite DBeaver. In this article, we'll describe the steps to create a secure connection from DBeaver to your Cloud SQL deployment.

8 20
2 818

Ran into an issue with our upgrade from HealthShare Health Connect 2018.1.3 to IRIS HealthShare Health Connect 2022.1, that I thought I would reach out about, I already have a ticket open with WRC and started a chat on Discord. We have a couple of MS SQL tables that I have setup as Linked Tables within Cache to query NPI, Patient Account Information, Visit information, etc... When we upgraded last week we found that within a day or even a half a day that we were having problems with our JDBC connections.

0 19
0 342