Hi Everyone!

New video, recorded by @Stefan Wittmann, is already on InterSystems Developers YouTube:

JSON and XML persistent data serialization in InterSystems IRIS

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InterSystems Developer Community is a community of 17,818 amazing developers
We're a place where InterSystems IRIS programmers learn and share, stay up-to-date, grow together and have fun!
· Aug 29, 2019
Create multiple dependent Tasks

Is it possible to create a task that will initiate a Business Service that is dependent on the completion of a separate EDI data process?

I have a complex data flow with multiple EDI processes where one process must run and produce one or more files that get deposited in the source folder for the next EDI process. The entire process is currently set up where 2 of the EDI processes execute at a specific time. The problem with that is when a network or server interruption occurs at the time they are supposed to start, it causes a complete failure of the entire process.

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1. Purpose

This is a 10-minute simple step-by-step guide on how to quickly set up various flavors of HealthShare docker containers from scratch on a Win10 laptop.

For example, we can build a couple of HealthShare "global edition vs UK Edition" demos as shown below.

There are a couple of frequently asked questions from HealthShare colleagues and partners:

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Hi all,

I recently discovered the Monitoring Activity Volume feature in IRIS and I was amazed by it. So, I put it to work in one of our productions. It is nice how easy it is to set up and all the possibilites that came with it.

But there's something weird: the numbers. Actually, one of the BP is stating a time of more than 6 seconds to process:

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I am implementing free search text box, which can search data in all columns of tables.

I have created DisplayName column by concatinating two column data with space.

SELECT TOP ALL FirstName||' '||LastName AS DisplayName, UserType, IsActive, RoleName, DOB FROM LISDB.ExternalUsers

Now, in where condition I want to do like search in DisplayName column but it not working.

I have tried both fn CONCAT and || in like query but both are not working for me.

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· Sep 12, 2019
Clean up code after compile

After upgrading I ran a $SYSTEM.OBJ.CompileAllNamespaces("u"). What I got in return was kind of a shock.

In reviewing errors I am seeing code being referenced but no longer applies. It is referring to stuff that might of been defined in the Context , Formal Spec ,Thread , etc.

ERROR #5373: Class 'osuwmc.CPD.DataStructures.TblPharmacyDEA', used by 'osuwmc.CPD.BusinessOperation:SelectProviderTempDEA:FormalSpec', does not exist

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We have a rest service that collects production status information like whether a connection is disabled, enabled, etc.

I would like to present that data in a DeepSee dashboard but do not know how to create a pivot that accesses the data gathered by the service.

Does anyone have any information or documentation about how a dashboard would be configured to use use a Rest service?

Thank you

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Hello everyone,

I am trying to use @() and SYSTEM() from Cache Terminal. I am searching for blinking text . I have found -5 as a Screen Display Option but not aware like how to use on terminal.
Can any one please help ?


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IRIS offers Durable %SYS Directory as a highly useful feature for working with containers.

Before inventing the wheel once more I'd like to know if a similar feature also exists for Caché / Ensemble.
Official documentation is quite silent about.
Though I have some names in mind that might know more about ( @Luca Ravazzolo ? @Dmitry Maslennikov ? @Eduard Lebedyuk ? )

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· Sep 10, 2019
%OpenId Query

I am new to cache programming language . I am facing below issue . please assist.

Question: One persistent class ID column is a combination of its properties (Roll No and Marks) [ Exact: RollNo||Marks]. When i am running the query from Management portal it is displaying data in the same format and data is there. But in the code if i am making below statement, i am getting null value.

Set ExistsID=##Class(User.School).%ExistsId(RollNo_"||"_Marks)

set ID=##Class(User.School).%OpenId(RollNo_"||"_Marks)

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· Aug 25, 2019
Automation with Ansible

Trying to modernize tasks I have to do on cache like change global variables on different servers, different namespaces....

Actually, I have a bash script doing ssh on each server and running bash script on each server like this

echo "zn \"namespace\"
s ^Var=1
"|csession ensapp

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· Sep 10, 2019
Code Golf Index

Code golf is a type of recreational computer programming competition in which participants strive to achieve the shortest possible source code that implements a certain algorithm.

Here's a list of Code Golf competitions we had on Developers Community.

And some interesting challenges:

Did I miss something? Add more challenges in comments.

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Is there a way to set null in dynamic object without using %Set methods?

I have this method and I need to set NULL as, well, null and not string.

ClassMethod node(name) [ CodeMode = expression ]
    "content":($case(##class(%Dictionary.ClassDefinition).%ExistsId(name), $$$YES:"mycontent", $$$NO:"NULL"))
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I had an issue when using the method Exists, I noticed that if you provide a directory for this method it returns 1.
This is really misleading, because sometimes the input could be a directory and the only way to predict this is to also test if the file is a directory.

I didn't tested using the Attributes method, but I supposed that this means could also be a solution for that issue.
But still, I expected the Exists method to return 1 for files and 0 for directories, since there's also method called DirectoryExists already.

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· Sep 6, 2019
Biometric data for Identity

Hi -

I'm wondering if there is any sort of experience with trying to leverage things like fingerprint readers into any identity management interface. I'm wondering if the "output" of some fingerprint scanner (or face scanner, or eyeball scanner for that matter) is something that HealthShare Patient Index might be able to use?

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· Sep 6, 2019
New Developments Newsletter

Hi Community,

Our latest issues of Developments and Developments Healthcare Edition have been posted to the Developments Archive site, where you'll also find other previous issues. Learn about InterSystems API Manager, preview releases of InterSystem IRIS and IRIS for Health, and live webinars this month about how you can easily move your Ensemble or Caché applications to InterSystems IRIS.

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