· Mar 20

Display Pool Size in Production Configuration page

Once upon a time in Ensemble Management Portal the pool size of each component (Business Host) within the production was displayed in the Production Configuration page.

This information was very useful, especially when a production have tens or hundreds of components.

Now days the pool size is no longer displayed in the Production Configuration page and to get the pool size you need to click in each and every host in your production.
What if you have hundreds of business hosts and you need to check the pool size of each? It's a nightmare!

In systems I have control of I've modified the production configuration page to display the pool size after the host name (like: "Ens.Alert(2)"), this way I have the pool size of ALL my hosts at glace in the production configuration page and I can IMMEDIATELY identify a misconfigured host.

However, I regularly use dozens of my customers systems and I cannot modify the portal in each and every system!

We need this out of the box, as it once was in Ensemble.

I've submitted and idea in Ideas portal and I encourage members to vote for it.

Add pool size in production configuration page

If InterSystems will find this useful and implement it, then in a few years we may get this info back in Production Configuration page out of the box and...have a better life! 😉

Do you think this would be useful?

Please, vote for it! 😊👍

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